Saturday, September 11, 2010

the Miracles of Tawa-tawa & Durian

It has been 2 months now that I have been volunteering as a nurse
here in a local hospital in our city.
Admissions day by day come flooding in with common complaints,
signs & symptoms, and conditions:
(1) Headache
(2) intermittent and/or relapsing fever
(3) joint pains (Dengue is also known as Breakbone fever, hence the term used)
(4) fatigue.
These are just to name a few.

So be aware. This is the sickness fad nowadays.

If your local area is renowned for the spike of the Dengue fever, please don't hesitate to check on up to your nearest clinic or hospital.

Ask for a CBC request or a Complete Blood Count so that you will know your Platelet status.
FYI: This member of your blood component family is mainly the target of your carrier virus in Dengue. Apply caution if it falls way down 150, 000 (Normal Value is 150,000-450,000). All the more if it falls below 100,000! Or worse it can reach to even 40! Critical because it all boils down to the hemorrhage. And we don't want that to happen!

So, here is why I am posting all these pictures of the Tawa-tawa (scientific name Euphorbia hirta) plant and Durian fruit. Although I have not stumbled upon scientific research of detail to detail facts of these marvelous creations, they seem to be, now, the IN alternative, herbal, nutritive, nature medications against Dengue fever.

Tawa-tawa has been known to increase blood fluid volume thereby inducing an increase in platelet count! But it does not fight dengue virus. Instead, it only promotes the development of blood platelets and softens the effect of the dengue virus. Furthermore, natural enzymes of the plant stabilize the membranes of the blood vessels, preventing internal bleeding ( Amazing!) . Durian, here, is currently in study (as I read in the newspaper!) as also a help in battling the ill-effects of the said condition. How marvelous to think of God's own creation used to aid on healing!

And so, I stress here: (1) Prevention here my readers. Get all that stagnant water out of your every containers (I say every single bit of them).

(2) Protect your family and loved ones. Use screens if you can in every opening you have (doors, windows). Use, if you prefer, anti-mosquito lotions. Hey, there's this mini techy thingy that you just clip on your clothes and it buzzes off a sound that drives mosquitoes away, ain't that cool?

(3) Please don't use fogging. It will drive the mosquitoes away--but leads them on another direction. It won't kill them, you know. :)

(4) Plan in cleaning you environment everyday. :) The mosquitoes won;t have anymore possible breeding sites. Those larvae won't have room to wriggle anymore. :)

That's it folks! Hope I shared something worthwhile here and you had something to learn about! :) Take Care 'coz I care! :)
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